My Best Posts on Speaking of China in 2014


As we say farewell to 2014, I’d like to share the best posts on this site – including the top five by views and my five own personal favorites.

 The Top 5 Posts by Views:

#5: 5 Fascinating Stereotypes of Western Women in China. I never thought this post on stereotypes about Western women in China would get you talking as much as it did.

#4: Saluting Other Blogs by Non-Asian Women Who Love Asian Men. I’ve discovered a lot of wonderful blogs by non-Asian women who love Asian men around the world, and gave them a nod in this post.

#3: On the racism against AMWF couple Lorde and James Lowe. My reflections on the cyberbullying incident that forced James Lowe, Lorde’s boyfriend, into the spotlight.

#2: 2014 Blogs by Western Women Who Love Chinese Men. My 2014 blog update once again grabbed your attention. Stay tuned in March 2015 when I’ll refresh the list with the latest new voices on the blogosphere.

#1: 6 Stunning Celebrity Couples of Asian Men & Non-Asian Women. This visual tour of some of the most stunning celebrity couples out there got your attention like nothing else!


My 5 Personal Favorites (In Order of Appearance in 2014):

To learn dialect or not? When your Chinese family doesn’t speak Mandarin Chinese. While living with my in-laws in the countryside and surrounded by people who didn’t speak Mandarin, I wondered, should I learn the local dialect?

8 Surprising Things I’ve Learned from Living in China’s Countryside. It was really fun to share some of the unique pleasures of living in China’s countryside in this post.

The power of a smile in China’s countryside. I was so touched by the warmth of the people in my husband’s village that I ended up writing about it in this post.

5 Awkward things for a longtime married couple in China with no kids. This issue had weighed on me for a long time and it was a relief to finally share.

“Is he your foreign exchange student?” When you’re a white woman who looks older than her Asian husband. Another one of those posts about embarrassing situations! It felt great to let it all out.

What would you like to see me write about in 2015?

19 Replies to “My Best Posts on Speaking of China in 2014”

  1. Jocelyn, I read the majority of your posts this year (all the ones mentioned) and enjoyed each and every one of them! I personally loved the last two of your personal favorites as I can also relate to them!

    Hope you have an amazing New Year’s!! Wishing you lots of joy, happiness, and laughter in 2015!

  2. I’ve really been enjoying catching up on your blog. I think it is fantastic. Your posts always give me things to think about. I especially liked your post about learning dialects. I feel like you are opening up more and sharing more emotions with your readers, which makes us connect and relate to you better. Keep up the good work!

  3. I really do enjoy the posts about you and your life in China. You have a beautiful family and Hangzhou is a beautiful place to live. I am very happy for you. I do relate to you when sometimes getting the blues and it’s okay to admit this. Thank you for reminding me about that.

  4. This post gave me the chance to go back over a couple I missed, some of the post-post discussion is epic! I enjoy all your posts, as you write so intelligently and often lead to further thought.

    Happy New Year and all the best for 2015!

  5. I’ve enjoyed many of your posts and I loved some of the books you reviewed/interviewed.

    I would be interested in reading about some people’s experiences raising kids in China or maybe about having biracial kids or being biracial. There is a lot of talk about western women with Asian men but I think mixed race/nationality is another issue worth discussing.

    1. Thanks R Zhao! That’s an excellent idea. I would love to run more stories about raising kids in China or having biracial kids or being biracial. I’ll have to open up a call for submissions on those topics. And of course, if you ever want to write something about any of those, you’re more than welcome to!

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