Ask the Yangxifu: Chinese Wedding Advice

A bride and groom running through a park in the summer
(photo by Fran Flores)

I’m taking a break from posting from May 28 until June 8. But in the meantime, I’m sharing some of my classic content — which might either be new to you, or just a great read worth another look. Either way, hope you enjoy these, and I’ll see you June 11. 😉


Here in the US, June means the beginning of the season of brides, bouquets and beautiful ceremonies — wedding time. If you have weddings on your mind, check out some of my past advice for Chinese weddings.

Ask the Yangxifu: A Big, Fat, Traditional Chinese Wedding? What if your Chinese boyfriend’s parents want the big, traditional Chinese wedding — and you don’t?

Ask the Yangxifu: Chinese Wedding Gifts for the Parents. What gifts should you give to the parents for a Chinese wedding? I offer examples of wedding gifts in China, and suggestions on what to bring.

Ask the Yangxifu: Big Fat Chinese Weddings Revisited. She’s ready to marry her Shanghainese fiancee, but not ready to face the huge 5-star-hotel wedding his family wants. What should she do?

Ask the Yangxifu: Chinese Wedding Gifts for the Parents

Two rectangular boxes wrapped in red-and-gold heart-patterned wrapping paper, set on a red velvet background
What gifts should you give to the parents for a Chinese wedding? (photo by Klaus Post)

Les asks:

My English son is getting married to a Chinese lady. What would be the right gift to offer her parents?

Okay, here’s a topic that’s long overdue  — what gifts should you give the parents for a Chinese wedding? Continue reading “Ask the Yangxifu: Chinese Wedding Gifts for the Parents”