Bloggers across the world have found themselves grappling with the coronavirus pandemic, and pretty much every one of us — myself included — have ended up writing about how this contagion has touched our lives.
I wanted to share links to a number of bloggers I’ve followed over the years, highlighting some of their COVID-19 posts. If you’re looking for news, personal reads that capture what’s happening on the ground, or support to get you through your stay at home or quarantine, take a look at these:
Virus survivors:
On (Or Close To) Schedule. Logan Lo (who many of you may remember tragically lost his wife a few years ago due to brain cancer) lives in the NYC area, the epicenter of the outbreak in the US, and he actually came down with COVID-19 (which triggered hallucinations of his late wife). He provides a second update on his condition and also a post detailing how he was able to survive it. A must-read for anyone wondering what it’s like to have COVID-19. And while you’re there, be sure to give Logan a virtual hug — he’s been through hell these recent years and could use it.
News and personal stories on the ground:
Angry Asian Man. This hugely popular blog on pop culture and entertainment from an Asian American perspective has also turned its eye to the coronavirus, from alarming hate crimes racism against Asians to stories of survivors of COVID-19 and even the latest on Asian-focused entertainment that could help you survive your quarantine.
AsAm News. This news blog focused on Asian America has become even more important reading as it chronicles how COVID-19 has sadly ravaged the Asian community in the US (note that it now posts many stories under the tag COVID-19 racism).
Badminton Becky. Many of you first knew her at Becky Ances, but she’s really soared with her focus on this sport as well as her Youtube videos. She shared a post with links to her vlogs on the badminton situation in China amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Baixiaotai. Living in Kunming, she blogs in Polish about a smattering of subjects, but has a few COVID-19-related posts, including the large delivery of produce and meat direct from farmers she finally received amid the coronavirus.
Behind the Story. Nicki Chen, who lives in the Seattle area (one of the earliest US regions affected by COVID-19), has also turned her focus to posts about life amid the contagion. In particular, she muses about The Paradox of Doing by Not Doing When the Enemy Is a Virus.
Crazy Chinese Family. Timo, his wife and kids have had to retreat indoors as Germany grapples with the pandemic, but he has continued to provide dispatches about the family — from the start of the situation to how it has been staying at home with the kids.
Ember Swift. The Beijing-based eclectic singer-writer from Canada has also turned her attention toward the coronavirus pandemic, from initial updates to 10 Tips to Surviving the COVID-19 Crazy: From Beijing.
Judith in China. Blogging in Dutch, Judith offers a perspective on the coronavirus that straddles Europe and Asia. Her Beijinger husband entered China just prior to the Wuhan lockdown, and he returned to the Netherlands a month later, right before cases began popping up over there.
Linda Goes East. While this South Korea-based blogger muses mostly on travel, she did do a post titled How Coronavirus Affects Expats in Asia, which details stories of foreigners living across the continent (including me).
Linda Leaming. The author of Married to Bhutan gives us a look into how COVID-19 has touched this mountain nation, where she and her husband reside.
Life Behind the Wall. American Jo has remained in China throughout the coronavirus pandemic, offering everything from an update to a post about racism in Guangzhou.
Life As An Ordinary Malaysian. If you’re wondering about the view from Malaysia, read his recent posts on COVID-19, such as this piece on face masks.
Marta Lives in China. And this Spaniard has remained a prolific blogger amid the coronavirus pandemic, writing about everything from the coronavirus situation in Suzhou and quarantine tips to predictions and even a post titled No, Chinese people don’t eat bats.
My Korean Husband. This well-loved vlogger, blogger and comic artist from Australia who resides in Seoul with her family has shared posts, videos and comics with a COVID-19 angle, including Don’t Touch Your Face.
Ni Hao, Cassandra! A blogger and vlogger en espanol, Cassandra has spent the past few months sharing video dispatches about the situation in China due to the coronavirus.
Sara Jaaksola. From her home in Guangzhou, Finnish business owner and blogger Sara has generated a lot of content on COVID-19, from an update on life amid the outbreak to tips for business owners to prepare for the pandemic. She also kickstarted a campaign to spread a little love for her city amid coronavirus.
The Almost Indian Wife. Writing from the Chicago area about her Indian-American multicultural family, she shares some timely tips for keeping kids busy with 50 indoor crafts and activities, perfect for the parent who has the little ones at home.
The Downtown Diner. Writing from the US city of Nashville, where she moved years ago after living in Beijing with her family, Melanie has deeply felt the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and it comes through loud and clear in her post Just Enough Space to Get Out.
The Ruby Ronin. Mary, who has worked remotely for a few years, has some timely advice for anyone just starting out in their work-from-home adventure. Check out her post Work from home without losing your mind during the COVID-19 crisis.
When West Dates East. If you need a strong dose of humor amid the coronavirus pandemic, you should click on over to read the entertaining musings of Autumn, who is spreading laughter with posts on everything from the frustration of warning friends and family to masks to working from home.
WWAM BAM. Many of us at this group blog (where I’m also a contributor) have aimed to share our own stories amid coronavirus such as this group post and Heather’s take on . And one of our newest bloggers Christine has written a compelling take on how the coronavirus unfolded for her in Beijing, along with some excellent advice.
Support to get you through quarantine/staying at home:
Madame Huang’s Kitchen. While not writing strictly about the coronavirus, Carolyn Phillips dishes up some tasty tidbits with her recipes that take you on a culinary journey across China. And let’s face it, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we could all use a little comfort food. Try her eight-treasure tea recipe.
Susan Blumberg-Kason. The author of Good Chinese Wife has blogged more about books (which we need more of while spending more time indoors!), but she also sheds light on one of those small, but not insignificant, changes to the landscape thanks to COVID-19 in this post on the shuttering of the renowned floating Hong Kong restaurant.
Svetlana’s Reads and Reviews. OK, so Sveta isn’t technically writing about living in the coronavirus era. But her blog does come in handy at a time when we’re all looking for more ways to pass the time, and she’s still cranking out reviews.