We’re deep into the summer movie season — which makes it a perfect excuse to trot out a handful of classic entries on movies and Chinese men/Western women in love. Enjoy, and I’ll be back this Friday with fresh content!
Movies with Chinese Men and Western Women in Love. A list I began back in 2010 — which you’re welcome to add to with your suggestions and recommendations in the comments.
6 Romantic Movies That Should Have Featured Chinese Men and Western Women in Love. Six romantic movies that should have had Chinese men and Western women in love, inspired by the blog You Offend Me, You Offend My Family.
Six Chinese Men in the Movies Who Loved Western Women, from Least Sexy to Most Sexy. A list of six major Chinese men who love Western women in the movies, ranked according to their on-screen sex appeal in specific films.
Non-English speaking countries make good movies too. Here is one – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0276216/. Communication is important in any relationship.
Also, an independent movie – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0817544/
Good movies find universal themes. Most of the six movies listed above don’t have good stories and can even seem cliche. One needs to look beyond Hollywood and major studios.