As we bid farewell (or good riddance) to 2020, it’s time to look back on the top five posts of the year, by views! And much like 2020, it’s a very COVID list.
#5: Actor Liu Ye, Wife Anais Martane Stand Up for Sea Turtles with WildAid
While reading the newspaper, I encountered an ad featuring this celebrity couple, made to support a WildAid campaign.
#4: SARS vs COVID-19: Comparing My Experiences in China
As COVID-19 has exploded into our lives this year, I’ve often found myself reflecting back on my experiences during SARS in China, comparing and contrasting.
#3: Coronavirus: 11 Tips to Prepare for an Outbreak (We’ve Managed in China, You Can Too)
Earlier this year, as COVID-19 began to threaten the rest of the world, I prepared a list of tips to consider in preparation for a potential novel coronavirus outbreak in your community, based on authoritative sources as well as what I’ve learned and experienced.
#2: How the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak Has Changed My Daily Life Here in China
For those of you outside of China wondering what it was like in amid the coronavirus outbreak, I shared my experiences in Beijing.
#1: Coronavirus: My Bread Flour Shortage Points to Curious Trend in China
Toilet paper shortages? Seriously? I was stunned when I read news of how this bathroom essential was flying off shelves — and leaving them bare — around the world, all due to fears about the coronavirus.
Here’s hoping 2021 brings better days for all — wishing you a Happy New Year!