Enjoy this AMXF Deadpool photo collaboration by Ana Hudson, a new model and photographer hitting the scene. This is part of her portfolio titled “Project Justice”, which includes her previous post: 9 Powerful ‘AMWF Superman’ Photos to ‘Save’ Your Day.
What superhero would you like to see Ana feature in her next photo shoot? Let us know in the comments!
If you are an AMXF couple in the Los Angeles area, Ana Hudson would love to offer you a free/donations accepted photoshoot. To find out more information about planning a photoshoot you can reach her at [email protected].
While reflecting on this Deadpool photo shoot, I realized that sometimes the things that seem so horrid in our lives can be the best transformative experiences of all time. There have been a lot of things that I’ve seen in the news about people falling upon hard times, fearing for their safety and for the safety of their loved ones. Sometimes. we wake up and feel like life is a dark, cruel joke played upon us. And who are the ones who are laughing? Our oppressors? Who can laugh when no one wins?
That means one thing: sometimes we need to laugh at the world to get back at it. Not everything is going to go our way. There will always be something sad to hear or something that makes us sicken with rage. But there is no rule that says we cannot churn our rage into passions and create war with our minds and talents. Go forward, create, and laugh as your enemies waste away in their waste. – Ana Hudson, WhiteChocolatePlayer
Photographer: Ana Hudson (IG: whitechocolateplayer)
Models: Justin Zhang (IG: NoobStrength) and Marina Bruzadin (IG: marinabruzadin)
If you are an AMXF couple in the Los Angeles area, Ana Hudson would love to offer you a free/donations accepted photoshoot. To find out more information about planning a photoshoot you can reach her at [email protected].
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