Have a love story to share, or have something to say about love, family and relationships in China, AMWF relationships, having/raising biracial Asian kids, or being biracial and Asian? Write a guest post for Speaking of China!
I welcome posts about love stories (from breakups to happily-ever-after) and other guest posts that fit the scope of this blog (including posts having and raising biracial Asian kids as well as stories about identity from people who identify as biracial and Asian). Read on for guidelines for all guest posts as well as specific guidelines for each type of guest post.
See also the calls for submissions on the blog:
- Wanted: More Guest Posts from Asian Men on Love, Dating and More
- Wanted: Your Guest Posts on Having/Raising Biracial Asian Kids or Being Biracial & Asian
I read every submission — and look forward to receiving yours!
Guidelines for EVERY guest post
Guidelines for love stories
Guidelines for other guest posts (everything but love stories)
Submit your guest post now
Guidelines for EVERY guest post
Here my essential guidelines for all guest post types:
- Original content only. I only run unique content. In other words, your post must not have been published elsewhere.
- Length. Posts must be at least 250 words long and no more than 4,000 words long. Essentially, as long as it takes you to tell your story or make your point.
- Editing. As this is an international blog, I don’t expect perfect English for submissions and may edit posts before publishing them. I only require that what you write makes sense, and is something that would interest readers of Speaking of China.
- Style. I encourage people to get creative with your posts. I’m open to interviews, personal essays, love letters and even poems.
- Images. I welcome your photos/graphics/images (rights-cleared only) to accompany your submissions.
- Byline. If I publish your story, I will credit you with a byline that includes a one-line bio and links to website(s) and/or social media account(s) of your choice. Please provide me with your preferred byline and link(s) when you submit. Also if you don’t have a link (or links) or want any links in your byline, that’s OK. (If you don’t know what a byline is, here’s mine as an example: Jocelyn Eikenburg writes about love, family and relationships in China and AMWF love at Speaking of China and resides in Hangzhou, China.)
- Pitches. If you’re not sure your guest post fits within the scope of my blog, you’re welcome to pitch me your ideas ahead of time before writing.
- Response. I often respond quickly to guest post submissions — within one or two days. However, I’m human and sometimes things happen (like vacations or unexpected events) that make me get behind in blogging. So please, wait one week before e-mailing me about your submission.
- Scheduling. I generally schedule guest posts on the earliest possible Friday slot available, but can make exceptions for timely topics.
- Disclaimer. To maintain the quality and integrity of Speaking of China, I reserve the right to refuse submissions for any reason.
Return to the top of the page or submit your guest post now.
Guidelines for love stories
Have a story about Western women and Chinese men in love — or out of love? I want to hear from you!
I have three columns devoted exclusively to love stories:
Double Happiness (Stories of falling in love, weddings, marriage and more): How did you meet? Why do you love each other? We want answers from married and nonmarried couples of Chinese men and Western women.
Not in a couple? Not a problem — tell me this then: why do you love Chinese men or Western women?
Yin-Yang (Stories of finding balance in cross-cultural relationships): How do married and nonmarried couples of Chinese men and Western women “make it work,” and balance their differences in harmony? How do two different people “complete each other” in unexpected ways?
Fenshou (Stories of love lost): Did you ever love someone, only to find that love wasn’t returned? Or did you love someone, only to lose them? Chinese men and Western women, we want your stories of love that didn’t work out. (Feel free to change names and places to protect identities.)
Not sure where to start? Read the stories I’ve published in Double Happiness, Yin-Yang and Fenshou.
Return to the top of the page or submit your guest post now.
Guidelines for other guest posts (everything but love stories)
I welcome a variety of other guest posts that fit the scope of this blog, including stories about:
- love, dating, family and/or relationships in China (including cross-cultural relationships)
- AMWF (Asian male, Western female) relationships
- Asian/non-Asian interracial dating (including stereotypes and racism as well as dating advice)
- Biracial identity from people who have an Asian parent
- Pregnancy, raising biracial Asian kids and parenting in Asian cultures and countries
- The red tape of having kids across Asian and Western borders (such as visa and residency issues)
- Helping your biracial and/or bicultural Asian children embrace their identity
Need inspiration? Visit the guest post archives to see what I’ve published already.
Return to the top of the page.
Submit your guest post now
Submit by E-mail: jocelyn(at)speakingofchina(dot)com
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