Guapa means good-looking or handsome in Spanish. It’s also a lovely word to start off a story about an equally lovely couple — Laura, from Spain, and Tony, from China.
Thanks to Laura for sharing this story, and the photographs.
Tony calls me cariño (dear), sometimes guapa (good-looking), and other times Lauritina. It is really wonderful to have someone who calls you guapa when you get home.
We met in a Suzhou Starbucks, while I was having a coffee with a friend and he was chilling out after a meeting in Suzhou.
He came over the table and he introduced himself. He wanted to practice his English and our table was the most suitable one for that purpose. We talked for some minutes and when we told him we actually speak Spanish, he took out a book from his bag, I couldn’t believe it, he bought a book to learn Spanish the same day we met. Well, that must mean something, I thought.

In the following days we met a few times more in the same place, and then finally exchanged numbers. After some weeks of talking and meeting randomly, he invited me for a night walk and hot tea.
How I remember that night, when he held two cups of tea in his hands. We talked and walked, never minding that the night was cold. We went to the Stadium, where Tony spoke of his hobbies, his favorite poems, and life.
He walked me home, where he suddenly popped a question. “Do you like me?”
I turned red like a cherry tomato, and felt so much pressure at first. But he looked a bit worried — and I thought, Well, he is asking for some reason. So I said, “Yes!”
Then he also said, “I like you.”
One evening, we went out for dinner with his mum, sister, brother-in-law and nephew. I won’t forget that day since we shared such a nice time together. His nephew, Shuo, also enjoyed kicking me under the table. Afterwards, we met his sister’s family quite often.

His sister and nephew even spent two weeks with us during the summer holiday — by that time, Tony and I were already living in Shanghai. Coming home after work to such a nice family really made me feel like I had a real home. Dinner was sometimes ready, and Shuo was jumping around.
This year, we went to Linyi for Mid-Autumn Festival to visit with his family. Just like every other Chinese family, we gathered together and ate — a lot! (I guess that’s why I was so sick in the days afterwards.) We spent time with Tony’s mother and father. I have to say, Tony’s family is amazing. They are so happy and easygoing. I had a lot of fun with his father, who I met for the first time. He made such a great effort to communicate with me, and we really connected.
During those days, many people came around the house to say “hello” — and also to see me, the foreign girlfriend. Everyone raised some interesting topics: Which language do you use? How is your family? Do you have brothers and sisters? Do you like it here? What are your plans? My favorite question of all was, Do you have peanuts in Spain? I liked it because peanuts are so important in Spain — such as in peanut soup. Someone even proposed that I export their peanuts to Spain (I’ll think about it).
My father is now in China, and he has enjoyed his time with Tony’s family. They somehow manage to communicate, from a few Spanish words to a few Chinese words and all of the translations in between. They manage to communicate even when nobody is there to translate for them, which is awesome.

I have to say, Tony and I really complement each other. He is very patient and that calms me down a lot. Maybe this sounds like a stereotype, but I seem typically Spanish in that I can’t stop thinking sometimes — in a messy way — about everything. When I had problems with my visa, he was always there to put my mind at ease. Later, after I got my visa, Tony confessed that he too struggled with my visa issues, yet he didn’t show his struggles. He was so strong, a strength I hope to have one day.
Laura is a project manager in Shanghai.
How did you meet? Why do you love him/her (or Chinese men/Western women)? How two different people “complete each other” in unexpected ways? We’re looking for a few good stories from Chinese men and Western women in love to share on Fridays. Submit your original story or a published blog post today.
What a cute love story! The best is that you two complement each other really well and look so cute together. 🙂
Aw, you guys look good together
@Jocelyn. Great story and thanks for all of your postings.
Thanks for publishing the story of Laura and me. Wish we can meet soon. 预祝圣诞节快乐!
@Tony, really, it’s my pleasure! Your story is beautiful and inspiring.
Beautiful story 😀
It’s wonderful story,my folks r kinda against me learning Spainish,my gosh,what am I gonna do?
1. Where are you from then? I look at your nickname and is 100% Spanish…
2. Is it important what your folks think you should learn?!!!
@ Jocelyn,
Thanks a lot for sharing our story!
well,maybe I get too emotional,it’s really not that bad.My folks kinda wanna send me to UK or US for Master D,and I find myself totally devoted to the latin culture,I’m mixed of young latino guy and old black lady indeed,well,It’s about my personality.I wanna go to spain or latin America instead,emmm,I’m from manchuria in case u wanna know.Anyway,best wishes for ya.
Being too emotional is part of our culture so you are already in the game!
If you can choose to study in another country and afterwards move to a one of the countries you like that’s great. The reason why I say that (instead of studying there) is because at least in Spain, Universities don’t have many relations with companies (yet, hope in the future there are), so during your years of study you may only study.
On the other hand, is the best way to enter in the job market, which I am sorry, but is not the best market right now, even for locals.
I’m mixed and not mixed at the same time, my parents are Spanish but my father’s family has roots in Cuba, many years ago many people from my province emigrated to Cuba and some couldnt come back, so is mixed and not mixed at the same time 😉
If you want to learn the lenguage I encourage you to do it, I do love my language, and I think all its verbs forms and diminutives are interesting!
Thanks alot for your advice,I shall continue chasing my dream.It’s kinda crucial that I should think about the future if I do choose to study in spain.I will take your point into consideration.
I have many latino and spainish friends,and nice meeting ya.
Muchas Gracias.
Btw,I’ve been studying spainish song,recently been crazy for Mexican song El Rey,cool song indeed.
Felicidades! Vosotros sois una pareja guapa! Congratulations – you guys are a good-looking couple!
@ fernandocruz,
I listen to music at fulltono.com there you can find a lot of music in Spanish. Though I’m not sure if you need a VPN for that..just try!
@ David,
Thanks a lot for your kind words! 🙂
Muchas Gracias,I will do,plus I don’t need VPN for that,not a quite.
Hha I like this story
I’m from Dalian
I University in Qingdao
I know she was in Hangzhou Lol Good luck
How do you if she was or was not in Hangzhou?.
Ohhhhh Me Gusto !!! ohhhh 🙂
Nice to see this couple! I come from a Latin country too and I know is not common, is more common to see couples from other countries but not Spanish-Chinese.
Wish them all the best!
@ Bruce,
Thanks for the “likes”!
Thumbs up!