One of the greatest joys of this blog has been opening it up to other voices and sharing fascinating stories and views from people around the world. I love running guest posts so much that my Fridays have become almost exclusively devoted to you – whether it’s your stories, posts, and questions or interviews with authors.
As 2014 comes to a close, I’d like to salute the top five guest posts on Speaking of China by views. And remember, if you have a great idea for a post that would fit this site, check out my submit a post page and contact me today.
#5: Did You Know Hollywood’s 1st Sex Symbol Was an Asian Man?
Logan Lo surprised us all with this story of a long-forgotten Asian actor in Hollywood who was actually the first-ever sex symbol in the movies. You can also read Logan’s work here in his post about interracial dating.
#4: AMWF Couples – A Canadian Perspective. Inspired by Fred’s survey in Hong Kong, Maria Deng offered a report of her own on AMWF couples in Canada – a post that speaks to the value of the AMWF community. She also went on to form a Facebook group for AMWF couples in Canada.
#3: Double Happiness: “He just never thought a Western girl could [love] him”. When Marghini wrote that her Chinese boyfriend “just never thought a Western girl could ever be interested in him,” her story touched on a major issue in the AMWF dating world — and sparked a lot of comments!
#2: 7 of the Best Things about being married to a Non-Native English Speaker. As Grace of Texan in Tokyo has taken the Internet by storm this year and made a splash with her successful new comic book, it’s been a pleasure to feature her outstanding writing on my site, including this post and her piece on the dark side of moving across the world for love.
#1: Are interracial couples of Asian men & Western women really that rare? A field report from Hong Kong. Fred has become a guest posting legend on this site, especially with his tales of trying to set up a nephew in Hong Kong with American women, and this post is no exception. People were amazed by Fred’s informal survey of AMWF couples versus WMAF couples in Hong Kong. The results will shock you if you haven’t read it yet.
What were your favorite guest posts on this site for 2014? What voices would you like to see featured here in 2015?
Speaking of China is always on the lookout for outstanding guest posts and love stories! If you have something you’d like us to feature, visit the submit a post page for details — and then submit yours today.
I don’t know how I missed Fred’s post until now. Interesting to read his findings and the comments section!
I have really enjoyed Grace’s posts. I’m glad you featured her on your blog, as I don’t know if I would have read her blog otherwise. It’s really interesting and I also enjoyed her comic book.
I also liked the post about Kim and her Tibetan husband and have enjoyed reading her blog since her guest post.
Thanks for the comment R Zhao — and for sharing some of your favorite guest posts! Grace’s blog is fantastic and I did enjoy her comic book as well. Yeah, Kim’s post was a great one too, as is her blog.
Great posts!! I just read the one written by Marghini and I loved it!! What a sweet story!
Thanks Constance! The Marghini post is excellent!
🙂 this kind comment made my day Constance! Thank you!
I enjoyed both #2 and #3 and like following their blogs. And I have to agree with R Zhao, I also liked reading Kim’s story.
Thanks for the comment Ruth! 🙂
I am so happy my guest post generated such an interesting discussion! Thank you Jocelyn for offering a chance to share our stories and opinions on your blog!
Have a great 2015 😉