作者:Jocelyn Eikenburg 译者:远
(翻译自《On the Rarity of Foreign Women and Chinese Boyfriends/Chinese Husbands》)
讲述洋妞与中国男友或中国丈夫的的书几乎没有。眼下我能想到的只有蕾切尔·德沃斯金(Rachel DeWoskin)的《洋妞在北京》与《跟我说》、尼克·莫尼斯(Nicole Mones)的《迷失中国》以及赛珍珠的《东风:西风》。
几年前,当我的丈夫参加上海新东方的GRE辅导班时,他们的老师曾警告所有男生:“如果你们这些小子打算留学,就要做好四年单身的准备。” 言外之意,和老外谈恋爱,门儿都没有——但是倘若爱神降临,就是惊喜。
根据谢里丹·普拉索(Sheridan Prasso)的著作《The Asian Mystique: Dragon Ladies, Geisha Girls, & Our Fantasies of the Exotic Orient 》,基本上亚裔男人在美国主流媒体中一直以失败者的形象出现。
尽管有这样那样的不顺、成见和其他阻碍,还是有洋妹子和中国小伙子走到了一起。我是其中之一,而且越来越多的外国女性正加入这一行列,比如博主the Local Dialect、The Downtown Diner、Wo Ai Ni等等. 这种跨国恋甚至有时会悄悄地出现在新闻上。
Very good and interesting translation.:)
Btw, do not despite of the facts China already has over 10 millons of 剩男军团, if this country wasn’t stable enough, there will be a huge DEAL or forces.. which means everything can happen. people should already sense hungers from “wolves”. so whichever western countries still trying so hard to press our nation means keeping pressing us, which directly resulting war, and losing more men in both sides, however we still have advantages being overated, even for high tech warfare we are almost even with any western nations, thinking about it, Pressing asian males, expecially Chinese men, could also bring death of west nations losing their men.. which means more women in western nations will be ending up as windowed. =)
so for those single gals from west already in China, what’s all your purposes? when you all either showing your nice smile to every single Chinese strangers once you are passing by them, or you decided to head down all the time , and pretending to not belonging, what you are waiting for now? come to join the club where is Yangxufu in, then this loneliness could be gone..
Think about this way people:
If foreign men or african men starting to taking million of caucasin female in states, what would be happening? the first thing the white house must think is just taking down President Ombama, and start a war with that foreign nation or africa.. same goes to China, bunch of bunch Chinese 吊丝军团 so fedup and sicked by this AFWM thing, they looked down those chinese women who sold themselves, call them whores. its so obviously if you knew CHinese, go on http://www.china.com, http://www.sina.com. weibo, etc etc… those popular chinese social websites, also people think China is good place to pick up girls could be sensing wrong. beacuse if we do have culture like skin headed in europe, or nazi parties, then there will be a gang who seek those white male in china, start to be volient ways. then would China still be ideal places for the guy like Manny or many Mannies out there?
爱情可能是盲目的, 但它应该是色盲!
@ Jocelyn. You are great, J.E. I had a dream about you last night and it was that you became the President of the People’s Republic of China and later united Taiwan and Outer Mongolia and that you made peace with the Dali Lama and brought Tibet into the union. I think that your being the President of the PRC is not farfetched.
去女方国家生活,会有更多的障碍让他们难以养家糊口,比如语言不通,文化差异和异国固有的偏见。 — True.
@Fred You need to see a mental Doctor
@ Zhao”去女方国家生活,会有更多的障碍让他们难以养家糊口,比如语言不通,文化差异和异国固有的偏见。 — True.”
these got me thinking….. if there is an ideal place where can easily adpot both chinese and western cultures and lifestyle. neither China or any west nations but a place or a country where is welcoming and accepting mixed cultures would be so much greater for those cross culture relationships, as a native, I unterstood that will never be easy for any foregin women give up anything from their roots and spending rest of their lives in China with their Chinese spouses. on the other hands, the biggest challenge is that how long for both couples like foregin women and chinese men can maintian their marriages or relationships under the higher living pressures. most of them aren’t rich. so personal incomes and living conditions will be factors that can’t be ingored for either side who decided to living in a forgein country for long term.
@Yang , Yea! Reality,Money is always a important problem, if rich enough will reduce these stresses, of course a guy can still keep or get a stable incomes or business that’s also pretty good . That’s also depends on what’re they doing for living? We’re in 21 century – a internet century, Connect two so close, but so far.(Though Facebook, Twitter … is blocked in China, but can access them by some ways), Lots of Challenges and Chances in our century, just wish any couple can win the challenges and chances, perhaps after some years, these troubles would be less and less.
I suppose soon your blog will be a good place to learn Chinese language as well. Well done!
Hi Jocelyn,
關於“回頭率“ 的事 (香港男和英國女的組合),事實是當我們住在英國的時候,我們很小留意到。在香港也是沒有。可能跨種族關係在這兩個國家已經很普遍,亞裔男和非亞裔女的組合也不小。可是如果我們到亞洲其他國家旅遊時(例如中國和馬來西亞),很多人的眼光都凝視在我們,像一雙動物園裡的動物!!! 也有好幾次我們被誤會為母子關係!!! 我不曉得為什麼其他人有這麼的想法, but hey, c’est la vie. 我們都習慣了。
@ Chen Yong.
In response to your statement:
“its so obviously if you knew CHinese, go on http://www.china.com, http://www.sina.com. weibo, etc etc… those popular chinese social websites, also people think China is good place to pick up girls could be sensing wrong. beacuse if we do have culture like skin headed in europe, or nazi parties, then there will be a gang who seek those white male in china, start to be volient ways. then would China still be ideal places for the guy like Manny or many Mannies out there?”
I must say that your criticism of us foreign boys (such as white boys like myself) is unfair. I cannot understand why you take offense to us Western men dating Asian (or Chinese) girls. I cannot say that all Western men like to pick up Asian or Chinese women. Only some of us love Asian girls and I am one of them. Why do you take such offense? You are presumably a Chinese man and are free to try and pick up on some of our white women as well. No one is limiting you. Perhaps you have a jealousy problem and cannot fathom the fact that we are successful with Asian women and you cannot do the same with the white girls. I suggest that you not hold such ill will or prejudice against us foreign men, but instead try to find the root of your dislike for us foreign men with Asian women. Why cannot 2 people such as WM/AW who fall in love be free from unfair criticism and ill informed judgments from Asian men like yourself? Please do not become angry or upset. Just simply allow love to fill your heart and let the love between WM and AW flourish. I think that once you let go of the ill informed notion and not despise either the Chinese girl who goes out with the foreign man and the foreign man who dates the Chinese girl, you will feel much better.
Remember bro, let love flourish and rid your mind of prejudice and then you will be free. I recommend that you should chase a white foreign girl and then you can experience love for yourself.