I’m taking a break from posting from May 28 until June 8. But in the meantime, I’m sharing some of my classic content — which might either be new to you, or just a great read worth revisiting. Either way, hope you enjoy these, and I’ll see you June 11. 😉
It’s Memorial Day in the US, a time when we remember those who serve or have served in the military. But the word “memorial” itself immediately made me think of those loves of the past — a love that changed us, or a love that we might bury deep in our hearts, never to be forgotten.
So I’ve dug into the archives to share a few posts about loves we remember — from my own personal stories to those of Chinese men and Western women across the world.
The Sands, and Teahouses, of Time. When love bubbled over with my first Chinese boyfriend in his favorite Taiwanese teahouse, I tried to hold on to that sweetness of what we had through this place he left behind.
Double Happiness: Once You Go Black, You Never Go Back. Shanghai-based writer Chenyin Pan recalls the love he found with women of color in the US.
Double Happiness: A Journey Towards China And Love. Mayte never forgot the two loves she found with Chinese men, both touching and unexpected.
@Jocelyn, have a well deserved break and see you back on June 11!
Hope you have a great week Joc!
I just wanted to add that in my family, Memorial day is when the entire family (Mom, Grandma, Aunt and Uncles) all got together, cut flowers from grandma and aunt’s gardens and put them on our family graves.
I see it (Memorial Day) as a sort of American “Tomb Sweeping Day”
Memorial day for military people I always saw as Veteran’s Day/Pearl Harbor Dec 7 or that new one they made after 9/11.
But as I grow older, all the holidays are changing.
And Pluto is no longer a planet.
Today was the first time my family celebrated Memorial Day. I actually had a lot of fun. I’ll miss your entries and wish you well 🙂 Looking forward to June 11th! Stay strong!
Enjoy your break! Though I’ll miss you! Yours has become one of my few “read every day” blogs.